You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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#include <assert.h>
#include <eez/flow/flow.h>
#include <eez/flow/hooks.h>
#include "../gui/app_context.h"
#include "../gui/keypad.h"
namespace eez {
namespace flow {
void showKeyboard(Value label, Value initialText, Value minChars, Value maxChars, bool isPassword, void(*onOk)(char *), void(*onCancel)()) {
eez::gui::startTextKeyboard(label.getString(), initialText.getString(), minChars.toInt32(), maxChars.toInt32(), isPassword, onOk, onCancel, nullptr);
void showKeypad(Value label, Value initialValue, Value min, Value max, Unit unit, void(*onOk)(float), void(*onCancel)()) {
NumericKeypadOptions options;
options.pageId = PAGE_ID_NUMERIC_KEYPAD;
options.min = min.toFloat();
options.max = max.toFloat();
options.editValueUnit = unit;
eez::gui::startNumericKeypad(&g_deviceAppContext, label.getString(), initialValue, options, onOk, nullptr, onCancel);
void initHooks() {
showKeyboardHook = showKeyboard;
showKeypadHook = showKeypad;
} // namespace flow
} // namespace eez