/*- * BSD 2-Clause License * * Copyright (c) 2012-2018, Jan Breuer * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /** * @file lexer.c * @date Wed Mar 20 19:35:19 UTC 2013 * * @brief SCPI Lexer * * */ #include #include #include #include "lexer_private.h" #include "scpi/error.h" /** * Is white space * @param c * @return */ static int isws(int c) { if ((c == ' ') || (c == '\t')) { return 1; } return 0; } /** * Is binary digit * @param c * @return */ static int isbdigit(int c) { if ((c == '0') || (c == '1')) { return 1; } return 0; } /** * Is hexadecimal digit * @param c * @return */ static int isqdigit(int c) { if ((c == '0') || (c == '1') || (c == '2') || (c == '3') || (c == '4') || (c == '5') || (c == '6') || (c == '7')) { return 1; } return 0; } /** * Is end of string * @param state * @return */ static int iseos(lex_state_t * state) { if ((state->buffer + state->len) <= (state->pos)) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } /** * Private export of iseos * @param state * @return */ int scpiLex_IsEos(lex_state_t * state) { return iseos(state); } /** * Test current character * @param state * @param chr * @return */ static int ischr(lex_state_t * state, char chr) { return (state->pos[0] == chr); } /** * Is plus or minus * @param c * @return */ static int isplusmn(int c) { return c == '+' || c == '-'; } /** * Is letter H * @param c * @return */ static int isH(int c) { return c == 'h' || c == 'H'; } /** * Is letter B * @param c * @return */ static int isB(int c) { return c == 'b' || c == 'B'; } /** * Is letter Q * @param c * @return */ static int isQ(int c) { return c == 'q' || c == 'Q'; } /** * Is letter E * @param c * @return */ static int isE(int c) { return c == 'e' || c == 'E'; } #define SKIP_NONE 0 #define SKIP_OK 1 #define SKIP_INCOMPLETE -1 /* skip characters */ /* 7.4.1 */ /* TODO: static int skipProgramMessageUnitSeparator(lex_state_t * state) */ /** * Skip all whitespaces * @param state * @return */ static int skipWs(lex_state_t * state) { int someSpace = 0; while (!iseos(state) && isws(state->pos[0])) { state->pos++; someSpace++; } return someSpace; } /* 7.4.2 */ /* static int skipProgramDataSeparator(lex_state_t * state) */ /* 7.5.2 */ /* static int skipProgramMessageTerminator(lex_state_t * state) */ /** * Skip decimal digit * @param state * @return */ static int skipDigit(lex_state_t * state) { if (!iseos(state) && isdigit((uint8_t)(state->pos[0]))) { state->pos++; return SKIP_OK; } else { return SKIP_NONE; } } /** * Skip multiple decimal digits * @param state * @return */ static int skipNumbers(lex_state_t * state) { int someNumbers = 0; while (!iseos(state) && isdigit((uint8_t)(state->pos[0]))) { state->pos++; someNumbers++; } return someNumbers; } /** * Skip plus or minus * @param state * @return */ static int skipPlusmn(lex_state_t * state) { if (!iseos(state) && isplusmn(state->pos[0])) { state->pos++; return SKIP_OK; } else { return SKIP_NONE; } } /** * Skip any character from 'a'-'Z' * @param state * @return */ static int skipAlpha(lex_state_t * state) { int someLetters = 0; while (!iseos(state) && isalpha((uint8_t)(state->pos[0]))) { state->pos++; someLetters++; } return someLetters; } /** * Skip exact character chr or nothing * @param state * @param chr * @return */ static int skipChr(lex_state_t * state, char chr) { if (!iseos(state) && ischr(state, chr)) { state->pos++; return SKIP_OK; } else { return SKIP_NONE; } } /** * Skip slash or dot * @param state * @return */ static int skipSlashDot(lex_state_t * state) { if (!iseos(state) && (ischr(state, '/') | ischr(state, '.'))) { state->pos++; return SKIP_OK; } else { return SKIP_NONE; } } /** * Skip star * @param state * @return */ static int skipStar(lex_state_t * state) { if (!iseos(state) && ischr(state, '*')) { state->pos++; return SKIP_OK; } else { return SKIP_NONE; } } /** * Skip colon * @param state * @return */ static int skipColon(lex_state_t * state) { if (!iseos(state) && ischr(state, ':')) { state->pos++; return SKIP_OK; } else { return SKIP_NONE; } } /* */ /** * Skip program mnemonic [a-z][a-z0-9_]* * @param state * @return */ static int skipProgramMnemonic(lex_state_t * state) { const char * startPos = state->pos; if (!iseos(state) && isalpha((uint8_t)(state->pos[0]))) { state->pos++; while (!iseos(state) && (isalnum((uint8_t)(state->pos[0])) || ischr(state, '_'))) { state->pos++; } } if (iseos(state)) { return (state->pos - startPos) * SKIP_INCOMPLETE; } else { return (state->pos - startPos) * SKIP_OK; } } /* tokens */ /** * Detect token white space * @param state * @param token * @return */ int scpiLex_WhiteSpace(lex_state_t * state, scpi_token_t * token) { token->ptr = state->pos; skipWs(state); token->len = state->pos - token->ptr; if (token->len > 0) { token->type = SCPI_TOKEN_WS; } else { token->type = SCPI_TOKEN_UNKNOWN; } return token->len; } /* 7.6.1 */ /** * Skip command program header \* * @param state * @return */ static int skipCommonProgramHeader(lex_state_t * state) { int res; if (skipStar(state)) { res = skipProgramMnemonic(state); if (res == SKIP_NONE && iseos(state)) { return SKIP_INCOMPLETE; } else if (res <= SKIP_INCOMPLETE) { return SKIP_OK; } else if (res >= SKIP_OK) { return SKIP_OK; } else { return SKIP_INCOMPLETE; } } return SKIP_NONE; } /** * Skip compound program header ::... * @param state * @return */ static int skipCompoundProgramHeader(lex_state_t * state) { int res; int firstColon = skipColon(state); res = skipProgramMnemonic(state); if (res >= SKIP_OK) { while (skipColon(state)) { res = skipProgramMnemonic(state); if (res <= SKIP_INCOMPLETE) { return SKIP_OK; } else if (res == SKIP_NONE) { return SKIP_INCOMPLETE; } } return SKIP_OK; } else if (res <= SKIP_INCOMPLETE) { return SKIP_OK; } else if (firstColon) { return SKIP_INCOMPLETE; } else { return SKIP_NONE; } } /** * Detect token command or compound program header * @param state * @param token * @return */ int scpiLex_ProgramHeader(lex_state_t * state, scpi_token_t * token) { int res; token->ptr = state->pos; token->type = SCPI_TOKEN_UNKNOWN; res = skipCommonProgramHeader(state); if (res >= SKIP_OK) { if (skipChr(state, '?') >= SKIP_OK) { token->type = SCPI_TOKEN_COMMON_QUERY_PROGRAM_HEADER; } else { token->type = SCPI_TOKEN_COMMON_PROGRAM_HEADER; } } else if (res <= SKIP_INCOMPLETE) { token->type = SCPI_TOKEN_INCOMPLETE_COMMON_PROGRAM_HEADER; } else if (res == SKIP_NONE) { res = skipCompoundProgramHeader(state); if (res >= SKIP_OK) { if (skipChr(state, '?') >= SKIP_OK) { token->type = SCPI_TOKEN_COMPOUND_QUERY_PROGRAM_HEADER; } else { token->type = SCPI_TOKEN_COMPOUND_PROGRAM_HEADER; } } else if (res <= SKIP_INCOMPLETE) { token->type = SCPI_TOKEN_INCOMPLETE_COMPOUND_PROGRAM_HEADER; } } if (token->type != SCPI_TOKEN_UNKNOWN) { token->len = state->pos - token->ptr; } else { token->len = 0; state->pos = token->ptr; } return token->len; } /* 7.7.1 */ /** * Detect token "Character program data" * @param state * @param token * @return */ int scpiLex_CharacterProgramData(lex_state_t * state, scpi_token_t * token) { token->ptr = state->pos; if (!iseos(state) && isalpha((uint8_t)(state->pos[0]))) { state->pos++; while (!iseos(state) && (isalnum((uint8_t)(state->pos[0])) || ischr(state, '_'))) { state->pos++; } } token->len = state->pos - token->ptr; if (token->len > 0) { token->type = SCPI_TOKEN_PROGRAM_MNEMONIC; } else { token->type = SCPI_TOKEN_UNKNOWN; } return token->len; } /* 7.7.2 */ static int skipMantisa(lex_state_t * state) { int someNumbers = 0; skipPlusmn(state); someNumbers += skipNumbers(state); if (skipChr(state, '.')) { someNumbers += skipNumbers(state); } return someNumbers; } static int skipExponent(lex_state_t * state) { int someNumbers = 0; if (!iseos(state) && isE(state->pos[0])) { state->pos++; skipWs(state); skipPlusmn(state); someNumbers = skipNumbers(state); } return someNumbers; } /** * Detect token Decimal number * @param state * @param token * @return */ int scpiLex_DecimalNumericProgramData(lex_state_t * state, scpi_token_t * token) { char * rollback; token->ptr = state->pos; if (skipMantisa(state)) { rollback = state->pos; skipWs(state); if (!skipExponent(state)) { state->pos = rollback; } } else { state->pos = token->ptr; } token->len = state->pos - token->ptr; if (token->len > 0) { token->type = SCPI_TOKEN_DECIMAL_NUMERIC_PROGRAM_DATA; } else { token->type = SCPI_TOKEN_UNKNOWN; } return token->len; } /* 7.7.3 */ int scpiLex_SuffixProgramData(lex_state_t * state, scpi_token_t * token) { token->ptr = state->pos; skipChr(state, '/'); /* TODO: strict parsing : SLASH? (ALPHA+ (MINUS? DIGIT)?) ((SLASH | DOT) (ALPHA+ (MINUS? DIGIT)?))* */ if (skipAlpha(state)) { skipChr(state, '-'); skipDigit(state); while (skipSlashDot(state)) { skipAlpha(state); skipChr(state, '-'); skipDigit(state); } } token->len = state->pos - token->ptr; if ((token->len > 0)) { token->type = SCPI_TOKEN_SUFFIX_PROGRAM_DATA; } else { token->type = SCPI_TOKEN_UNKNOWN; state->pos = token->ptr; token->len = 0; } return token->len; } /* 7.7.4 */ static int skipHexNum(lex_state_t * state) { int someNumbers = 0; while (!iseos(state) && isxdigit((uint8_t)(state->pos[0]))) { state->pos++; someNumbers++; } return someNumbers; } static int skipOctNum(lex_state_t * state) { int someNumbers = 0; while (!iseos(state) && isqdigit(state->pos[0])) { state->pos++; someNumbers++; } return someNumbers; } static int skipBinNum(lex_state_t * state) { int someNumbers = 0; while (!iseos(state) && isbdigit(state->pos[0])) { state->pos++; someNumbers++; } return someNumbers; } /** * Detect token nondecimal number * @param state * @param token * @return */ int scpiLex_NondecimalNumericData(lex_state_t * state, scpi_token_t * token) { int someNumbers = 0; token->ptr = state->pos; if (skipChr(state, '#')) { if (!iseos(state)) { if (isH(state->pos[0])) { state->pos++; someNumbers = skipHexNum(state); token->type = SCPI_TOKEN_HEXNUM; } else if (isQ(state->pos[0])) { state->pos++; someNumbers = skipOctNum(state); token->type = SCPI_TOKEN_OCTNUM; } else if (isB(state->pos[0])) { state->pos++; someNumbers = skipBinNum(state); token->type = SCPI_TOKEN_BINNUM; } } } if (someNumbers) { token->ptr += 2; /* ignore number prefix */ token->len = state->pos - token->ptr; } else { token->type = SCPI_TOKEN_UNKNOWN; state->pos = token->ptr; token->len = 0; } return token->len > 0 ? token->len + 2 : 0; } /* 7.7.5 */ static int isascii7bit(int c) { return (c >= 0) && (c <= 0x7f); } static void skipQuoteProgramData(lex_state_t * state, char quote) { while (!iseos(state)) { if (isascii7bit(state->pos[0]) && !ischr(state, quote)) { state->pos++; } else if (ischr(state, quote)) { state->pos++; if (!iseos(state) && ischr(state, quote)) { state->pos++; } else { state->pos--; break; } } else { break; } } } static void skipDoubleQuoteProgramData(lex_state_t * state) { skipQuoteProgramData(state, '"'); } static void skipSingleQuoteProgramData(lex_state_t * state) { skipQuoteProgramData(state, '\''); } /** * Detect token String data * @param state * @param token * @return */ int scpiLex_StringProgramData(lex_state_t * state, scpi_token_t * token) { token->ptr = state->pos; if (!iseos(state)) { if (ischr(state, '"')) { state->pos++; token->type = SCPI_TOKEN_DOUBLE_QUOTE_PROGRAM_DATA; skipDoubleQuoteProgramData(state); if (!iseos(state) && ischr(state, '"')) { state->pos++; token->len = state->pos - token->ptr; } else { state->pos = token->ptr; } } else if (ischr(state, '\'')) { state->pos++; token->type = SCPI_TOKEN_SINGLE_QUOTE_PROGRAM_DATA; skipSingleQuoteProgramData(state); if (!iseos(state) && ischr(state, '\'')) { state->pos++; token->len = state->pos - token->ptr; } else { state->pos = token->ptr; } } } token->len = state->pos - token->ptr; if ((token->len > 0)) { /* token->ptr++; * token->len -= 2; */ } else { token->type = SCPI_TOKEN_UNKNOWN; state->pos = token->ptr; token->len = 0; } return token->len > 0 ? token->len : 0; } /* 7.7.6 */ static int isNonzeroDigit(int c) { return isdigit(c) && (c != '0'); } /** * Detect token Block Data * @param state * @param token * @return */ int scpiLex_ArbitraryBlockProgramData(lex_state_t * state, scpi_token_t * token) { int i; int arbitraryBlockLength = 0; const char * ptr = state->pos; int validData = -1; token->ptr = state->pos; if (skipChr(state, '#')) { if (!iseos(state) && isNonzeroDigit(state->pos[0])) { /* Get number of digits */ i = state->pos[0] - '0'; state->pos++; for (; i > 0; i--) { if (!iseos(state) && isdigit((uint8_t)(state->pos[0]))) { arbitraryBlockLength *= 10; arbitraryBlockLength += (state->pos[0] - '0'); state->pos++; } else { break; } } if (i == 0) { state->pos += arbitraryBlockLength; if ((state->buffer + state->len) >= (state->pos)) { token->ptr = state->pos - arbitraryBlockLength; token->len = arbitraryBlockLength; validData = 1; } else { validData = 0; } } else if (iseos(state)) { validData = 0; } } else if (iseos(state)) { validData = 0; } } if (validData == 1) { /* valid */ token->type = SCPI_TOKEN_ARBITRARY_BLOCK_PROGRAM_DATA; } else if (validData == 0) { /* incomplete */ token->type = SCPI_TOKEN_UNKNOWN; token->len = 0; state->pos = state->buffer + state->len; } else { /* invalid */ token->type = SCPI_TOKEN_UNKNOWN; state->pos = token->ptr; token->len = 0; } return token->len + (token->ptr - ptr); } /* 7.7.7 */ static int isProgramExpression(int c) { if ((c >= 0x20) && (c <= 0x7e)) { if ((c != '"') && (c != '#') && (c != '\'') && (c != '(') && (c != ')') && (c != ';')) { return 1; } } return 0; } static void skipProgramExpression(lex_state_t * state) { while (!iseos(state) && isProgramExpression(state->pos[0])) { state->pos++; } } /* TODO: recursive - any program data */ /** * Detect token Expression * @param state * @param token * @return */ int scpiLex_ProgramExpression(lex_state_t * state, scpi_token_t * token) { token->ptr = state->pos; if (!iseos(state) && ischr(state, '(')) { state->pos++; skipProgramExpression(state); if (!iseos(state) && ischr(state, ')')) { state->pos++; token->len = state->pos - token->ptr; } else { token->len = 0; } } if ((token->len > 0)) { token->type = SCPI_TOKEN_PROGRAM_EXPRESSION; } else { token->type = SCPI_TOKEN_UNKNOWN; state->pos = token->ptr; token->len = 0; } return token->len; } /** * Detect token comma * @param state * @param token * @return */ int scpiLex_Comma(lex_state_t * state, scpi_token_t * token) { token->ptr = state->pos; if (skipChr(state, ',')) { token->len = 1; token->type = SCPI_TOKEN_COMMA; } else { token->len = 0; token->type = SCPI_TOKEN_UNKNOWN; } return token->len; } /** * Detect token semicolon * @param state * @param token * @return */ int scpiLex_Semicolon(lex_state_t * state, scpi_token_t * token) { token->ptr = state->pos; if (skipChr(state, ';')) { token->len = 1; token->type = SCPI_TOKEN_SEMICOLON; } else { token->len = 0; token->type = SCPI_TOKEN_UNKNOWN; } return token->len; } /** * Detect token colon * @param state * @param token * @return */ int scpiLex_Colon(lex_state_t * state, scpi_token_t * token) { token->ptr = state->pos; if (skipChr(state, ':')) { token->len = 1; token->type = SCPI_TOKEN_COLON; } else { token->len = 0; token->type = SCPI_TOKEN_UNKNOWN; } return token->len; } /** * Detect specified character * @param state * @param token * @return */ int scpiLex_SpecificCharacter(lex_state_t * state, scpi_token_t * token, char chr) { token->ptr = state->pos; if (skipChr(state, chr)) { token->len = 1; token->type = SCPI_TOKEN_SPECIFIC_CHARACTER; } else { token->len = 0; token->type = SCPI_TOKEN_UNKNOWN; } return token->len; } /** * Detect token New line * @param state * @param token * @return */ int scpiLex_NewLine(lex_state_t * state, scpi_token_t * token) { token->ptr = state->pos; skipChr(state, '\r'); skipChr(state, '\n'); token->len = state->pos - token->ptr; if ((token->len > 0)) { token->type = SCPI_TOKEN_NL; } else { token->type = SCPI_TOKEN_UNKNOWN; state->pos = token->ptr; token->len = 0; } return token->len; }