You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

616 lines
22 KiB

* EEZ Modular Firmware
* Copyright (C) 2015-present, Envox d.o.o.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include <math.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <eez/conf.h>
#include <eez/core/util.h>
#include <eez/gui/gui.h>
#include <eez/gui/widgets/yt_graph.h>
namespace eez {
namespace gui {
struct YTGraphDrawHelper {
const WidgetCursor &widgetCursor;
const Widget *widget;
float min[2];
float max[2];
uint16_t color16;
uint16_t dataColor16[2];
uint32_t numPositions;
uint32_t position;
int x;
int yPrev[2];
int y[2];
Value::YtDataGetValueFunctionPointer ytDataGetValue;
YTGraphDrawHelper(const WidgetCursor &widgetCursor_) : widgetCursor(widgetCursor_), widget(widgetCursor.widget) {
min[0] = ytDataGetMin(widgetCursor, widget->data, 0).getFloat();
max[0] = ytDataGetMax(widgetCursor, widget->data, 0).getFloat();
min[1] = ytDataGetMin(widgetCursor, widget->data, 1).getFloat();
max[1] = ytDataGetMax(widgetCursor, widget->data, 1).getFloat();
const Style* y1Style = ytDataGetStyle(widgetCursor, widget->data, 0);
const Style* y2Style = ytDataGetStyle(widgetCursor, widget->data, 1);
dataColor16[0] = display::getColor16FromIndex(y1Style->color);
dataColor16[1] = display::getColor16FromIndex(y2Style->color);
ytDataGetValue = ytDataGetGetValueFunc(widgetCursor, widget->data);
int getYValue(int valueIndex, uint32_t position) {
if (position >= numPositions) {
return INT_MIN;
float value = ytDataGetValue(position, valueIndex, nullptr);
if (isNaN(value)) {
return INT_MIN;
int y = (int)round((widgetCursor.h - 1) * (value - min[valueIndex]) / (max[valueIndex] - min[valueIndex]));
return widgetCursor.h - 1 - y;
void drawValue(int valueIndex) {
int yPrevValue = yPrev[valueIndex];
int yValue = y[valueIndex];
if (yValue == INT_MIN) {
// clipping
if (yPrevValue >= 0 && yValue < 0) {
yValue = 0;
} else if (yPrevValue < 0 && yValue >= 0) {
yPrevValue = 0;
} else if (yPrevValue < widgetCursor.h && yValue >= widgetCursor.h) {
yValue = widgetCursor.h - 1;
} else if (yPrevValue >= widgetCursor.h && yValue < widgetCursor.h) {
yPrevValue = widgetCursor.h - 1;
if (yValue < 0 || yPrevValue < 0 || yValue >= widgetCursor.h || yPrevValue >= widgetCursor.h) {
if (yPrevValue == INT_MIN || abs(yPrevValue - yValue) <= 1) {
display::drawPixel(x, widgetCursor.y + yValue);
} else {
int y1;
int y2;
if (yPrevValue < yValue) {
//display::drawVLine(x, widgetCursor.y + yPrevValue + 1, yValue - yPrevValue - 1);
y1 = widgetCursor.y + yPrevValue + 1;
y2 = y1 + yValue - yPrevValue;
} else {
//display::drawVLine(x, widgetCursor.y + yValue, yPrevValue - yValue - 1);
y1 = widgetCursor.y + yValue;
y2 = y1 + yPrevValue - yValue;
for (int y = y1; y < y2; y++) {
display::drawPixel(x, y);
void drawStep() {
if (y[0] != INT_MIN && y[1] != INT_MIN && abs(yPrev[0] - y[0]) <= 1 && abs(yPrev[1] - y[1]) <= 1 && y[0] == y[1]) {
if (y[0] >= 0 && y[0] < widgetCursor.h) {
display::setColor16(position % 2 ? dataColor16[1] : dataColor16[0]);
display::drawPixel(x, widgetCursor.y + y[0]);
} else {
void drawScanLine(uint32_t startPosition, uint32_t endPosition, uint16_t graphWidth) {
numPositions = endPosition;
int x1 = widgetCursor.x + startPosition % graphWidth;
int x2 = widgetCursor.x + (endPosition - 1) % graphWidth;
if (x1 <= x2) {
display::fillRect(x1, widgetCursor.y, x2, widgetCursor.y + widgetCursor.h - 1);
} else {
display::fillRect(x1, widgetCursor.y, widgetCursor.x + widgetCursor.w - 1, widgetCursor.y + widgetCursor.h - 1);
display::fillRect(widgetCursor.x, widgetCursor.y, x2, widgetCursor.y + widgetCursor.h - 1);
for (position = startPosition; position < endPosition; ++position) {
x = widgetCursor.x + position % graphWidth;
y[0] = getYValue(0, position);
yPrev[0] = getYValue(0, position == 0 ? position : position - 1);
y[1] = getYValue(1, position);
yPrev[1] = getYValue(1, position == 0 ? position : position - 1);
void drawScrolling(uint32_t previousHistoryValuePosition, uint32_t currentHistoryValuePosition, uint32_t numPositions_, uint16_t graphWidth) {
uint32_t numPointsToDraw = currentHistoryValuePosition - previousHistoryValuePosition;
if (numPointsToDraw > graphWidth) {
numPointsToDraw = graphWidth;
if (numPointsToDraw < graphWidth) {
widgetCursor.x + numPointsToDraw,
widgetCursor.x + graphWidth - 1,
widgetCursor.y + widgetCursor.h - 1,
int endX = widgetCursor.x + graphWidth;
int startX = endX - numPointsToDraw;
position = previousHistoryValuePosition + 1;
numPositions = position + numPointsToDraw;
yPrev[0] = getYValue(0, previousHistoryValuePosition);
yPrev[1] = getYValue(1, previousHistoryValuePosition);
display::fillRect(startX, widgetCursor.y, endX - 1, widgetCursor.y + widgetCursor.h - 1);
for (x = startX; x < endX; x++, position++) {
y[0] = getYValue(0, position);
y[1] = getYValue(1, position);
yPrev[0] = y[0];
yPrev[1] = y[1];
struct YTGraphStaticDrawHelper {
YTGraphWidgetState *widgetState;
const WidgetCursor &widgetCursor;
const Widget *widget;
Style* style;
uint16_t dataColor16;
uint32_t numPositions;
uint32_t position;
float offset;
float scale;
int m_valueIndex;
int x;
int yPrevMin;
int yPrevMax;
int yMin;
int yMax;
Value::YtDataGetValueFunctionPointer ytDataGetValue;
int xLabels[MAX_NUM_OF_Y_VALUES];
int yLabels[MAX_NUM_OF_Y_VALUES];
YTGraphStaticDrawHelper(YTGraphWidgetState *widgetState_, const WidgetCursor &widgetCursor_)
: widgetState(widgetState_), widgetCursor(widgetCursor_), widget(widgetCursor.widget)
ytDataGetValue = ytDataGetGetValueFunc(widgetCursor, widget->data);
void getYValue(uint32_t position, int &min, int &max) {
if (position >= numPositions) {
max = INT_MIN;
min = INT_MIN;
} else {
float fMax;
float fMin = ytDataGetValue(position, m_valueIndex, &fMax);
if (isNaN(fMin)) {
max = INT_MIN;
} else {
max = widgetCursor.h - 1 - (int)floor(widgetCursor.h / 2.0f + (fMin + offset) * scale);
if (isNaN(fMax)) {
min = INT_MIN;
} else {
min = widgetCursor.h - 1 - (int)floor(widgetCursor.h / 2.0f + (fMax + offset) * scale);
void drawValue() {
if (yMin == INT_MIN) {
int yFrom;
int yTo;
if (yPrevMax == INT_MIN) {
yFrom = yMin;
yTo = yMax;
} else {
if (yPrevMax < yMin) {
yFrom = yPrevMax + 1;
yTo = yMax;
} else if (yMax < yPrevMin) {
yFrom = yMin;
yTo = yPrevMin - 1;
} else {
yFrom = yMin;
yTo = yMax;
if ((yFrom < 0 && yTo < 0) || (yFrom >= widgetCursor.h && yTo >= widgetCursor.h)) {
if (yFrom < 0) {
yFrom = 0;
if (yTo >= widgetCursor.h) {
yTo = widgetCursor.h - 1;
if (yFrom == yTo) {
display::drawPixel(x, widgetCursor.y + yFrom);
} else {
// display::drawVLine(x, widgetCursor.y + yFrom, yTo - yFrom);
int y1 = widgetCursor.y + yFrom;
int y2 = y1 + yTo - yFrom + 1;
for (int y = y1; y < y2; y++) {
display::drawPixel(x, y);
void getMinMax(int *yLabels, int n, int &yMin, int &yMax) {
yMin = INT_MAX;
yMax = INT_MIN;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if (yLabels[i] < yMin) {
yMin = yLabels[i];
if (yLabels[i] > yMax) {
yMax = yLabels[i];
void repositionLabels(int labelHeight) {
for (int valueIndex = 0; valueIndex < MAX_NUM_OF_Y_VALUES; valueIndex++) {
if (yLabels[valueIndex] != INT_MIN) {
yLabels[valueIndex] -= labelHeight / 2;
if (yLabels[valueIndex] < widgetCursor.y) {
yLabels[valueIndex] = widgetCursor.y;
} else if (yLabels[valueIndex] > widgetCursor.y + widgetCursor.h - labelHeight) {
yLabels[valueIndex] = widgetCursor.y + widgetCursor.h - labelHeight;
void drawGraph(uint32_t currentHistoryValuePosition, int startX, int endX, int vertDivisions) {
//xLabels[m_valueIndex] = INT_MIN;
yLabels[m_valueIndex] = INT_MIN;
if (ytDataDataValueIsVisible(widgetCursor, widget->data, m_valueIndex)) {
position = currentHistoryValuePosition;
scale = (widgetCursor.h - 1) / widgetState->valueDiv[m_valueIndex] / vertDivisions;
offset = widgetState->valueOffset[m_valueIndex];
const Style* style = ytDataGetStyle(widgetCursor, widget->data, m_valueIndex);
dataColor16 = display::getColor16FromIndex(style->color);
getYValue(position > 0 ? position - 1 : 0, yPrevMin, yPrevMax);
for (x = startX; x < endX; x++, position++) {
getYValue(position, yMin, yMax);
yPrevMin = yMin;
yPrevMax = yMax;
if (yMin != INT_MIN) {
//xLabels[m_valueIndex] = x;
yLabels[m_valueIndex] = widgetCursor.y + yMin;
xLabels[m_valueIndex] = endX;
void drawLabel(font::Font &font, bool transparent) {
if (yLabels[m_valueIndex] != INT_MIN) {
const Style *labelStyle = ytDataGetStyle(widgetCursor, widget->data, m_valueIndex);
char labelText[64];
ytDataGetLabel(widgetCursor, widget->data, m_valueIndex, labelText, sizeof(labelText));
int labelWidth = display::measureStr(labelText, -1, font, widgetCursor.w);
int xLabel = xLabels[m_valueIndex];
if (xLabel < widgetCursor.x) {
xLabel = widgetCursor.x;
} else if (xLabel > widgetCursor.x + widgetCursor.w - labelWidth) {
xLabel = widgetCursor.x + widgetCursor.w - labelWidth;
if (!transparent) {
display::fillRect(xLabel, yLabels[m_valueIndex], xLabel + labelWidth - 1, yLabels[m_valueIndex] + font.getHeight() - 1);
display::drawStr(labelText, -1, xLabel, yLabels[m_valueIndex], widgetCursor.x, widgetCursor.y, widgetCursor.x + widgetCursor.w - 1, widgetCursor.y + widgetCursor.h - 1, font, -1);
void drawStatic(uint32_t previousHistoryValuePosition, uint32_t currentHistoryValuePosition, uint32_t numPositions_, uint16_t graphWidth, bool showLabels, int selectedValueIndex) {
// draw background
const Style* style = getStyle(widget->style);
display::fillRect(widgetCursor.x, widgetCursor.y, widgetCursor.x + (int)widgetCursor.w - 1, widgetCursor.y + (int)widgetCursor.h - 1);
numPositions = numPositions_;
int startX = widgetCursor.x;
int endX = startX + graphWidth;
int horzDivisions = ytDataGetHorzDivisions(widgetCursor, widget->data);
int vertDivisions = ytDataGetVertDivisions(widgetCursor, widget->data);
// draw grid
for (int x = 1; x < horzDivisions; x++) {
display::drawVLine(widgetCursor.x + x * widgetCursor.w / horzDivisions, widgetCursor.y, widgetCursor.h - 1);
for (int y = 1; y < vertDivisions; y++) {
display::drawHLine(widgetCursor.x, widgetCursor.y + y * widgetCursor.h / vertDivisions, widgetCursor.w - 1);
// draw bookmarks
if (widgetState->bookmarks) {
for (int x = 0; x < widgetCursor.w; x++) {
if (widgetState->bookmarks[x]) {
display::drawVLine(startX + x, widgetCursor.y, widgetCursor.h - 1);
// draw graphs
for (m_valueIndex = 0; m_valueIndex < MAX_NUM_OF_Y_VALUES; m_valueIndex++) {
if (m_valueIndex != selectedValueIndex) {
drawGraph(currentHistoryValuePosition, startX, endX, vertDivisions);
if (selectedValueIndex != -1) {
m_valueIndex = selectedValueIndex;
drawGraph(currentHistoryValuePosition, startX, endX, vertDivisions);
// draw cursor
if (ytDataIsCursorVisible(widgetCursor, widgetCursor.widget->data)) {
display::drawVLine(startX + widgetState->cursorPosition - currentHistoryValuePosition, widgetCursor.y, widgetCursor.h - 1);
char text[64];
ytDataGetCursorXValue(widgetCursor, widgetCursor.widget->data).toText(text, sizeof(text));
font::Font font = styleGetFont(style);
int cursorTextWidth = MAX(display::measureStr(text, -1, font), MIN_CURSOR_TEXT_WIDTH);
int cursorTextHeight = font.getHeight();
const int PADDING = 0;
int xCursorText = widgetCursor.x + widgetState->cursorPosition - currentHistoryValuePosition - cursorTextWidth / 2;
if (xCursorText < widgetCursor.x + PADDING) {
xCursorText = widgetCursor.x + PADDING;
} else if (xCursorText + cursorTextWidth > widgetCursor.x + widgetCursor.w - PADDING) {
xCursorText = widgetCursor.x + widgetCursor.w - PADDING - cursorTextWidth;
int yCursorText = widgetCursor.y + widgetCursor.h - cursorTextHeight - PADDING;
text, -1,
xCursorText, yCursorText, cursorTextWidth, cursorTextHeight,
// draw labels
if (showLabels) {
font::Font font = styleGetFont(style);
int labelHeight = font.getHeight();
for (m_valueIndex = 0; m_valueIndex < MAX_NUM_OF_Y_VALUES; m_valueIndex++) {
if (m_valueIndex != selectedValueIndex) {
drawLabel(font, true);
if (selectedValueIndex != -1) {
m_valueIndex = selectedValueIndex;
drawLabel(font, false);
bool YTGraphWidgetState::updateState() {
refreshBackground = !hasPreviousState;
WIDGET_STATE(flags.focused, isFocusWidget(widgetCursor));
WIDGET_STATE(refreshCounter, ytDataGetRefreshCounter(widgetCursor, widget->data));
WIDGET_STATE(iChannel, widgetCursor.cursor);
WIDGET_STATE(ytGraphUpdateMethod, ytDataGetGraphUpdateMethod(widgetCursor, widget->data));
auto new_historyValuePosition = ytDataGetPosition(widgetCursor, widget->data);
if (hasPreviousState) {
previousHistoryValuePosition = historyValuePosition;
} else {
uint16_t graphWidth = (uint16_t)widgetCursor.w;
previousHistoryValuePosition = new_historyValuePosition - graphWidth;
hasPreviousState = false;
WIDGET_STATE(historyValuePosition, new_historyValuePosition);
WIDGET_STATE(cursorPosition, historyValuePosition + ytDataGetCursorOffset(widgetCursor, widget->data));
WIDGET_STATE(numHistoryValues, ytDataGetSize(widgetCursor, widget->data));
WIDGET_STATE(bookmarks, ytDataGetBookmarks(widgetCursor, widget->data));
WIDGET_STATE(showLabels, ytDataGetShowLabels(widgetCursor, widget->data));
WIDGET_STATE(selectedValueIndex, ytDataGetSelectedValueIndex(widgetCursor, widget->data));
if (ytGraphUpdateMethod == YT_GRAPH_UPDATE_METHOD_STATIC) {
for (int valueIndex = 0; valueIndex < MAX_NUM_OF_Y_VALUES; valueIndex++) {
WIDGET_STATE(valueIsVisible[valueIndex], ytDataDataValueIsVisible(widgetCursor, widget->data, valueIndex));
WIDGET_STATE(valueDiv[valueIndex], ytDataGetDiv(widgetCursor, widget->data, valueIndex));
WIDGET_STATE(valueOffset[valueIndex], ytDataGetOffset(widgetCursor, widget->data, valueIndex));
void YTGraphWidgetState::render() {
const WidgetCursor &widgetCursor = g_widgetCursor;
auto widget = (const YTGraphWidget *)widgetCursor.widget;
uint16_t graphWidth = (uint16_t)widgetCursor.w;
if (ytGraphUpdateMethod == YT_GRAPH_UPDATE_METHOD_STATIC) {
YTGraphStaticDrawHelper drawHelper(this, widgetCursor);
drawHelper.drawStatic(previousHistoryValuePosition, historyValuePosition, numHistoryValues, graphWidth, showLabels, selectedValueIndex);
} else {
const Style* style = getStyle(widget->style);
if (refreshBackground) {
display::fillRect(widgetCursor.x, widgetCursor.y, widgetCursor.x + (int)widgetCursor.w - 1, widgetCursor.y + (int)widgetCursor.h - 1);
YTGraphDrawHelper drawHelper(widgetCursor);
drawHelper.color16 = display::getColor16FromIndex( ? style->color : style->backgroundColor);
if (ytGraphUpdateMethod == YT_GRAPH_UPDATE_METHOD_SCAN_LINE) {
drawHelper.drawScanLine(previousHistoryValuePosition, historyValuePosition, graphWidth);
int x = widgetCursor.x;
// draw cursor
display::drawVLine(x + historyValuePosition % graphWidth, widgetCursor.y, (int)widgetCursor.h - 1);
display::drawVLine(x + (historyValuePosition + 1) % graphWidth, widgetCursor.y, (int)widgetCursor.h - 1);
// draw blank lines
int x1 = x + (historyValuePosition + 2) % graphWidth;
int x2 = x + (historyValuePosition + CONF_GUI_YT_GRAPH_BLANK_PIXELS_AFTER_CURSOR) % graphWidth;
if (x1 < x2) {
display::fillRect(x1, widgetCursor.y, x2, widgetCursor.y + (int)widgetCursor.h - 1);
} else {
display::fillRect(x1, widgetCursor.y, x + graphWidth - 1, widgetCursor.y + (int)widgetCursor.h - 1);
display::fillRect(x, widgetCursor.y, x2, widgetCursor.y + (int)widgetCursor.h - 1);
} else if (ytGraphUpdateMethod == YT_GRAPH_UPDATE_METHOD_SCROLL) {
drawHelper.drawScrolling(previousHistoryValuePosition, historyValuePosition, numHistoryValues, graphWidth);
bool YTGraphWidgetState::hasOnTouch() {
return true;
void YTGraphWidgetState::onTouch(const WidgetCursor &widgetCursor, Event &touchEvent) {
if (ytDataGetGraphUpdateMethod(widgetCursor, widgetCursor.widget->data) == YT_GRAPH_UPDATE_METHOD_STATIC) {
if (touchEvent.type == EVENT_TYPE_TOUCH_DOWN || touchEvent.type == EVENT_TYPE_TOUCH_MOVE) {
TouchDrag touchDrag = {
touchEvent.x - widgetCursor.x,
touchEvent.y - widgetCursor.y
ytDataTouchDrag(widgetCursor, widgetCursor.widget->data, &touchDrag);
} else {
if (touchEvent.type == EVENT_TYPE_TOUCH_DOWN) {
if (widgetCursor.appContext->isWidgetActionEnabled(widgetCursor)) {
auto action = getWidgetAction(widgetCursor);
executeAction(widgetCursor, action);
} // namespace gui
} // namespace eez