Release Notes for

ST7789H2 Component Drivers

Copyright © 2016 STMicroelectronics


Licensed by ST under BSD 3-Clause license (the "License"). You may not use this package except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:


This directory contains the ST7789H2 component drivers.

Update History

Main Changes

  • Remove useless assignment in ST7789H2_DrawHLine() and ST7789H2_DrawVLine() functions

Main Changes

  • Update release notes format

Main Changes

  • Reformat the BSD 3-Clause license declaration in the files header (replace license terms by a web reference to OSI website where those terms lie)

Main Changes

  • st7789h2.c/.h:
    • Change “\” by “/” in the include path to fix compilation issue under linux

Main Changes

  • st7789h2.c/.h:
    • Add 180° orientation support

Main Changes

  • st7789h2.c:
    • Update ST7789H2_DisplayOn()

Main Changes

  • First official release