Release Notes for

MFXSTM32L152 Component Drivers

Copyright © 2015 STMicroelectronics


Licensed by ST under BSD 3-Clause license (the "License"). You may not use this package except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:


This directory contains the MFXSTM32L152 component drivers.

Update History

Main Changes

  • Remove useless assignment in mfxstm32l152_GetInstance() and mfxstm32l152_ReleaseInstance() functions

Main Changes

  • Update release notes format

Main Changes

  • Reformat the BSD 3-Clause license declaration in the files header (replace license terms by a web reference to OSI website where those terms lie)

Main Changes

  • Update comments to be used for PDSC generation

Main Changes

  • Add Shunt management of MFXSTM32L152 component
    • new mfxstm32l152_IDD_ConfigShuntNbLimit() and mfxstm32l152_IDD_GetShuntUsed() APIs
  • Add mfxstm32l152_WriteReg() API

NOTE This release must be used with BSP Common driver V4.0.0 or later

Main Changes

  • mfxstm32l152_IO_Config(): remove unnecessary delay
  • mfxstm32l152_TS_DetectTouch(): improve TouchScreen speed
  • mfxstm32l152_IDD_Config(): add configuration of number of measure to be performed, with delay between 2 measures

This release must be used with BSP Common driver V3.0.0 or later

Main Changes

  • Low Power management of MFXSTM32L152 component:
    • New mfxstm32l152_DeInit() and mfxstm32l152_WakeUp() API
    • mfxstm32l152_LowPower() API completed to be MFXSTM32L152 in Standby mode

This release must be used with BSP Common driver V2.2.0 or later

Main Changes

  • First official release of MFXSTM32L152 IO Expander component driver.

This release must be used with BSP Common driver V2.1.0 or later