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* EEZ Modular Firmware
* Copyright (C) 2015-present, Envox d.o.o.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
#if defined(EEZ_PLATFORM_STM32)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <scpi/scpi.h>
#define SCPI_RES_OK 1
#include <eez/core/debug.h>
#include <eez/core/util.h>
#include <eez/fs/fs.h>
#define CHECK_ERROR(desc, err) (void)(desc); (void)(err);
//#define CHECK_ERROR(desc, err) if (err != FR_OK) DebugTrace("%s: %d\n", desc, (int)err)
namespace eez {
FileInfo::FileInfo() {
memset(&m_fno, 0, sizeof(m_fno));
SdFatResult FileInfo::fstat(const char *filePath) {
auto result = f_stat(filePath, &m_fno);
CHECK_ERROR("FileInfo::fstat", result);
return (SdFatResult)result;
FileInfo::operator bool() {
return m_fno.fname[0] ? true : false;
bool FileInfo::isDirectory() {
return m_fno.fattrib & AM_DIR ? true : false;
void FileInfo::getName(char *name, size_t size) {
const char *str1 = strrchr(m_fno.fname, '\\');
if (!str1) {
str1 = m_fno.fname;
const char *str2 = strrchr(str1, '/');
if (!str2) {
str2 = str1;
stringCopy(name, size, str2);
size_t FileInfo::getSize() {
return m_fno.fsize;
bool FileInfo::isHiddenOrSystemFile() {
return (m_fno.fattrib & (AM_HID | AM_SYS)) != 0;
#define FAT_YEAR(date) (1980 + ((date) >> 9))
#define FAT_MONTH(date) (((date) >> 5) & 0XF)
#define FAT_DAY(date) ((date)&0X1F)
#define FAT_HOUR(time) ((time) >> 11)
#define FAT_MINUTE(time) (((time) >> 5) & 0X3F)
#define FAT_SECOND(time) (2 * ((time)&0X1F))
int FileInfo::getModifiedYear() {
return FAT_YEAR(m_fno.fdate);
int FileInfo::getModifiedMonth() {
return FAT_MONTH(m_fno.fdate);
int FileInfo::getModifiedDay() {
return FAT_DAY(m_fno.fdate);
int FileInfo::getModifiedHour() {
return FAT_HOUR(m_fno.ftime);
int FileInfo::getModifiedMinute() {
return FAT_MINUTE(m_fno.ftime);
int FileInfo::getModifiedSecond() {
return FAT_SECOND(m_fno.ftime);
Directory::Directory() {
memset(&m_dj, 0, sizeof(m_dj));
Directory::~Directory() {
void Directory::close() {
auto result = f_closedir(&m_dj);
CHECK_ERROR("Directory::close", result);
SdFatResult Directory::findFirst(const char *path, FileInfo &fileInfo) {
auto result = f_findfirst(&m_dj, &fileInfo.m_fno, path, "*");
CHECK_ERROR("Directory::findFirst", result);
return (SdFatResult)result;
SdFatResult Directory::findNext(FileInfo &fileInfo) {
auto result = f_findnext(&m_dj, &fileInfo.m_fno);
CHECK_ERROR("Directory::findNext", result);
return (SdFatResult)result;
File::File() : m_isOpen(false) {
bool File::open(const char *path, uint8_t mode) {
auto result = f_open(&m_file, path, mode);
CHECK_ERROR("File::open", result);
m_isOpen = result == FR_OK;
return m_isOpen;
File::~File() {
bool File::close() {
auto result = f_close(&m_file);
CHECK_ERROR("File::close", result);
m_isOpen = false;
return result == FR_OK;
bool File::isOpen() {
return m_isOpen;
bool File::truncate(uint32_t length) {
auto result1 = f_lseek(&m_file, length);
CHECK_ERROR("File::truncate 1", result1);
auto result2 = f_truncate(&m_file);
CHECK_ERROR("File::truncate 2", result2);
return result1 == FR_OK && result2 == FR_OK;
size_t File::size() {
return f_size(&m_file);
bool File::available() {
return peek() != EOF;
bool File::seek(uint32_t pos) {
auto result = f_lseek(&m_file, pos);
CHECK_ERROR("File::seek", result);
return result == FR_OK;
size_t File::tell() {
auto result = f_tell(&m_file);
CHECK_ERROR("File::tell", result);
return result;
int File::peek() {
auto pos = f_tell(&m_file);
int ch = read();
auto result = f_lseek(&m_file, pos);
CHECK_ERROR("File::peek", result);
return ch;
int File::read() {
uint8_t value;
UINT br;
auto result = f_read(&m_file, &value, 1, &br);
CHECK_ERROR("File::read", result);
return result != FR_OK || br != 1 ? EOF : (int)value;
size_t File::read(void *buf, uint32_t size) {
uint32_t CHUNK_SIZE = 512; // unfortunately, it doesn't work when CHUNK_SIZE is > 512
UINT brTotal = 0;
size_t unalignedLength = ((uint32_t)buf) & 3;
if (unalignedLength > 0) {
unalignedLength = MIN(4 - unalignedLength, size);
uint8_t unalignedBuffer[4] __attribute__((aligned));
UINT br;
auto result = f_read(&m_file, unalignedBuffer, unalignedLength, &br);
CHECK_ERROR("File::read 1", result);
if (result != FR_OK) {
return 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < br; i++) {
((uint8_t *)buf)[i] = unalignedBuffer[i];
brTotal += br;
if (br < unalignedLength) {
return brTotal;
while (brTotal < size) {
uint32_t btr = MIN(CHUNK_SIZE, size - brTotal);
UINT br;
auto result = f_read(&m_file, (uint8_t *)buf + brTotal, btr, &br);
CHECK_ERROR("File::read 2", result);
if (result != FR_OK) {
return brTotal;
brTotal += br;
if (br < btr) {
return brTotal;
size_t File::write(const void *buf, size_t size) {
uint32_t CHUNK_SIZE = 64 * 1024;
UINT bwTotal = 0;
size_t unalignedLength = ((uint32_t)buf) & 3;
if (unalignedLength > 0) {
unalignedLength = MIN(4 - unalignedLength, size);
uint8_t unalignedBuffer[4] __attribute__((aligned));
for (size_t i = 0; i < unalignedLength; i++) {
unalignedBuffer[i] = ((uint8_t *)buf)[i];
UINT bw;
auto result = f_write(&m_file, unalignedBuffer, unalignedLength, &bw);
CHECK_ERROR("File::write 1", result);
if (result != FR_OK) {
return 0;
bwTotal += bw;
if (bw < unalignedLength) {
return bwTotal;
while (bwTotal < size) {
auto btw = MIN(CHUNK_SIZE, size - bwTotal);
UINT bw;
auto result = f_write(&m_file, (const uint8_t *)buf + bwTotal, btw, &bw);
CHECK_ERROR("File::write 2", result);
if (result != FR_OK) {
return bwTotal;
bwTotal += bw;
if (bw < btw) {
return bwTotal;
bool File::sync() {
auto result = f_sync(&m_file);
CHECK_ERROR("File::sync", result);
return result == FR_OK;
void File::print(float value, int numDecimalDigits) {
char buffer[32];
snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%.*f", numDecimalDigits, value);
write((uint8_t *)buffer, strlen(buffer));
void File::print(char value) {
auto result = f_printf(&m_file, "%c", value);
CHECK_ERROR("File:print", result);
bool SdFat::mount(int *err) {
auto result = f_mount(&SDFatFS, SDPath, 1);
CHECK_ERROR("SdFat::mount", result);
if (result != FR_OK) {
if (result == FR_NO_FILESYSTEM) {
} else {
return false;
*err = SCPI_RES_OK;
return true;
void SdFat::unmount() {
auto result = f_mount(0, "", 0);
CHECK_ERROR("SdFat::unmount", result);
memset(&SDFatFS, 0, sizeof(SDFatFS));
bool SdFat::exists(const char *path) {
if (strcmp(path, "/") == 0) {
return true;
auto result = f_stat(path, &fno);
CHECK_ERROR("SdFat::exists", result);
return result == FR_OK;
bool SdFat::rename(const char *sourcePath, const char *destinationPath) {
auto result = f_rename(sourcePath, destinationPath);
CHECK_ERROR("SdFat::rename", result);
return result == FR_OK;
bool SdFat::remove(const char *path) {
auto result = f_unlink(path);
CHECK_ERROR("SdFat::remove", result);
return result == FR_OK;
bool SdFat::mkdir(const char *path) {
auto result = f_mkdir(path);
CHECK_ERROR("SdFat::mkdir", result);
return result == FR_OK;
bool SdFat::rmdir(const char *path) {
auto result = f_unlink(path);
CHECK_ERROR("SdFat::rmdir", result);
return result == FR_OK;
bool SdFat::getInfo(int diskDriveIndex, uint64_t &usedSpace, uint64_t &freeSpace) {
char path[3];
path[0] = '0' + diskDriveIndex;
path[1] = ':';
path[2] = 0;
DWORD freeClusters;
FATFS *fs;
auto result = f_getfree(path, &freeClusters, &fs);
CHECK_ERROR("SdFat::getInfo", result);
if (result != FR_OK) {
return false;
DWORD totalSector = (fs->n_fatent - 2) * fs->csize;
DWORD freeSector = freeClusters * fs->csize;
uint64_t totalSpace = totalSector * uint64_t(512);
freeSpace = freeSector * uint64_t(512);
usedSpace = totalSpace - freeSpace;
return true;
} // namespace eez
#endif // EEZ_PLATFORM_STM32