Template project for running EEZ Flow firmware project using STM32F469I-DISCO development board
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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2 years ago
#include <eez/core/sound.h>
#include <eez/gui/keypad.h>
#include <eez/gui/widgets/display_data.h>
#include <eez/gui/widgets/input.h>
#include <eez/flow/flow.h>
#include "app_context.h"
#include "keypad.h"
namespace eez {
namespace gui {
static NumericKeypad g_numericKeypad;
static Keypad g_textKeyboard;
static Keypad *g_activeKeypad;
NumericKeypad *startNumericKeypad(
AppContext *appContext,
const char *label,
const Value &value,
NumericKeypadOptions &options,
) {
g_activeKeypad = &g_numericKeypad;
g_numericKeypad.init(appContext, label, value, options, okFloat, okUint32, cancel);
appContext->pushPage(options.pageId, &g_numericKeypad);
return &g_numericKeypad;
void startTextKeyboard(const char *label, const char *text, int minChars_, int maxChars_, bool isPassword_, void(*ok)(char *), void(*cancel)(), void(*setDefault)()) {
g_activeKeypad = &g_textKeyboard;
g_textKeyboard.start(&g_deviceAppContext, label, text, minChars_, maxChars_, isPassword_, ok, cancel, setDefault);
g_deviceAppContext.pushPage(PAGE_ID_KEYBOARD, &g_textKeyboard);
void executeNumericKeypadOptionHook(int optionActionIndex) {
Keypad *getActiveKeypad() {
return g_activeKeypad;
NumericKeypad *getActiveNumericKeypad() {
if (g_deviceAppContext.getActivePageId() == PAGE_ID_NUMERIC_KEYPAD) {
return &g_numericKeypad;
return nullptr;
WidgetCursor g_editWidgetCursor;
void keypadSetFloatValue(float value) {
//auto &widgetCursor = g_editWidgetCursor;
void textKeyboardSet(char *value) {
auto &widgetCursor = g_editWidgetCursor;
set(widgetCursor, widgetCursor.widget->data, value);
void action_edit() {
auto widgetCursor = getFoundWidgetAtDown();
auto widget = (const InputWidget*)widgetCursor.widget;
auto data = widgetCursor.widget->data;
auto value = eez::gui::get(widgetCursor, data);
auto minValue = eez::gui::getMin(widgetCursor, data);
auto maxValue = eez::gui::getMax(widgetCursor, data);
g_editWidgetCursor = widgetCursor;
if (widget->flags & INPUT_WIDGET_TYPE_NUMBER) {
auto defValue = eez::gui::getDef(widgetCursor, data);
NumericKeypadOptions options;
options.pageId = PAGE_ID_NUMERIC_KEYPAD;
options.min = minValue.getFloat();
options.max = maxValue.getFloat();
// auto dataId = flow::getNativeVariableId(widgetCursor);
// if (dataId == DATA_ID_INTENSITY) {
// options.editValueUnit = value.getUnit();
// options.flags.dotButtonEnabled = true;
// }
startNumericKeypad(&g_deviceAppContext, nullptr, value, options, keypadSetFloatValue, nullptr, nullptr);
} else {
startTextKeyboard(nullptr, value.getString(), minValue.toInt32(), maxValue.toInt32(), widget->flags & INPUT_WIDGET_PASSWORD_FLAG, textKeyboardSet, nullptr, nullptr);
} // gui
} // eez