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Release Notes for STM32469I_Discovery Board Drivers

Copyright 2017 STMicroelectronics


The BSP (Board Specific Package) drivers are parts of the STM32Cube package based on the HAL drivers and provide a set of high level APIs relative to the hardware components and features in the evaluation boards, discovery kits and nucleo boards coming with the STM32Cube package for a given STM32 serie.

The BSP drivers allow a quick access to the boards’ services using high level APIs and without any specific configuration as the link with the HAL and the external components is done in intrinsic within the drivers.

From project settings points of view, user has only to add the necessary driver’s files in the workspace and call the needed functions from examples. However some low level configuration functions are weak and can be overridden by the applications if user wants to change some BSP drivers default behavior.

Update History

V2.1.1 / 11-February-2022

Main Changes
  • All source files: update disclaimer to add reference to the new license agreement

V2.1.0 / 11-December-2020

Main Changes
  • Update Drivers to support new LCD controller NT35510.

V2.0.1 / 21-September-2017

Main Changes

  • Remove date & version
  • Add general description of BSP drivers
  • stm32469i_discovery_audio.c/.h:
    • Aligned with PDM library v3.0.0 
  • stm32469i_discovery_lcd.c:
    • Update  BSP_LCD_DrawBitmap() API to fix functional misbehaviour with SW4STM32 Toolchain
  • Notes:
    • This version must be used with v3.0.0 of PDM library

V2.0.0 / 27-January-2017

Main Changes

  • stm32469i_discovery_sd.c/.h:
    • Update BSP SD APIs following new HAL SD drivers implementation
    • Fix BlockSize to 512 bytes
  • stm32469i_discovery_ts.c/.h:
    • Support of FT6336G Touch Screen
  • stm32469i_discovery_qspi.c/.h:
    • QSPI write operation improvement
    • Update CS High Time
  • stm32469i_discovery_sdram.c:
    • Update SDRAM RowBitsNumbers and ColumnBitsNumber values to address all 16MB memory size.
  • stm32469i_discovery_lcd.c:
    • Update BSP_LCD_ReadPixel for ARGB8888 and RGB888 formats
  • stm32469i_discovery_audio.c:
    • Remove static CODEC_Reset API
  • Notes:
    • These BSP drivers break the compatibility with previous versions.
    • If FatFs is required, "FatFS R0.11 ST modified 20161223" must be used with this version of BSP drivers.

V1.0.3 / 04-August-2016

Main Changes

  • stm32469i_discovery_lcd.c/.h:
    • Update DSI initialization
    • Update LTDC clock value

V1.0.2 / 13-January-2016

Main Changes

  • General updates to fix doxygen errors
  • Add STM32F469I-Discovery_BSP_User_Manual.chm file
  • stm32469i_discovery_audio.c
    • Alignement with STM32F4xx_HAL_Driver V1.4.4 
  • stm32469i_discovery_qspi.c
    • Desactivate Timeout in memory mapped mode
    • Rename BSP_QSPI_MemoryMappedMode() API to BSP_QSPI_EnableMemoryMappedMode() API 
  • stm32469i_discovery_lcd.c
    • BSP_LCD_InitEx() API updated to remove use of intermediate variable Clockratio and improve calculation granularity

V1.0.1 / 29-September-2015

Main Changes

  • stm32469i_discovery_lcd.c update:
    • Add delay within BSP_LCD_Reset() function

V1.0.0 / 14-Augusty-2015

Main Changes

  • First official Release for STM32469I_Discovery board drivers.

For complete documentation on STM32 Microcontrollers visit