/** ****************************************************************************** * @file nt35510.h * @author MCD Application Team * @brief This file contains all the constants parameters for the NT35510 * which is the LCD Driver for Frida Techshine 3K138 (WVGA) * DSI LCD Display. ****************************************************************************** * @attention * *

© Copyright (c) 2020 STMicroelectronics. * All rights reserved.

* * This software component is licensed by ST under BSD 3-Clause license, * the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with the * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause * ****************************************************************************** */ /* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -------------------------------------*/ #ifndef __NT35510_H #define __NT35510_H #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include /** @addtogroup BSP * @{ */ /** @addtogroup Components * @{ */ /** @addtogroup nt35510 * @{ */ /** @addtogroup NT35510_Exported_Variables * @{ */ #if defined ( __GNUC__ ) #ifndef __weak #define __weak __attribute__((weak)) #endif /* __weak */ #endif /* __GNUC__ */ /** * @brief LCD_OrientationTypeDef * Possible values of Display Orientation */ #define NT35510_ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT ((uint32_t)0x00) /* Portrait orientation choice of LCD screen */ #define NT35510_ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE ((uint32_t)0x01) /* Landscape orientation choice of LCD screen */ /** * @brief Possible values of * pixel data format (ie color coding) transmitted on DSI Data lane in DSI packets */ #define NT35510_FORMAT_RGB888 ((uint32_t)0x00) /* Pixel format chosen is RGB888 : 24 bpp */ #define NT35510_FORMAT_RBG565 ((uint32_t)0x02) /* Pixel format chosen is RGB565 : 16 bpp */ /** * @brief nt35510_480x800 Size */ /* Width and Height in Portrait mode */ #define NT35510_480X800_WIDTH ((uint16_t)480) /* LCD PIXEL WIDTH */ #define NT35510_480X800_HEIGHT ((uint16_t)800) /* LCD PIXEL HEIGHT */ /* Width and Height in Landscape mode */ #define NT35510_800X480_WIDTH ((uint16_t)800) /* LCD PIXEL WIDTH */ #define NT35510_800X480_HEIGHT ((uint16_t)480) /* LCD PIXEL HEIGHT */ /** * @brief NT35510_480X800 Timing parameters for Portrait orientation mode */ #define NT35510_480X800_HSYNC ((uint16_t)2) /* Horizontal synchronization */ #define NT35510_480X800_HBP ((uint16_t)34) /* Horizontal back porch */ #define NT35510_480X800_HFP ((uint16_t)34) /* Horizontal front porch */ #define NT35510_480X800_VSYNC ((uint16_t)120) /* Vertical synchronization */ #define NT35510_480X800_VBP ((uint16_t)150) /* Vertical back porch */ #define NT35510_480X800_VFP ((uint16_t)150) /* Vertical front porch */ /** * @brief NT35510_800X480 Timing parameters for Landscape orientation mode * Same values as for Portrait mode in fact. */ #define NT35510_800X480_HSYNC NT35510_480X800_VSYNC /* Horizontal synchronization */ #define NT35510_800X480_HBP NT35510_480X800_VBP /* Horizontal back porch */ #define NT35510_800X480_HFP NT35510_480X800_VFP /* Horizontal front porch */ #define NT35510_800X480_VSYNC NT35510_480X800_HSYNC /* Vertical synchronization */ #define NT35510_800X480_VBP NT35510_480X800_HBP /* Vertical back porch */ #define NT35510_800X480_VFP NT35510_480X800_HFP /* Vertical front porch */ /* List of NT35510 used commands */ /* Detailed in NT35510 Data Sheet v0.80 */ /* Version of 10/28/2011 */ /* Command, NumberOfArguments */ #define NT35510_CMD_NOP 0x00 /* NOP */ #define NT35510_CMD_SWRESET 0x01 /* SW reset */ #define NT35510_CMD_RDDID 0x04 /* Read display ID */ #define NT35510_CMD_RDNUMED 0x05 /* Read number of errors on DSI */ #define NT35510_CMD_RDDPM 0x0A /* Read display power mode */ #define NT35510_CMD_RDDMADCTL 0x0B /* Read display MADCTL */ #define NT35510_CMD_RDDCOLMOD 0x0C /* Read display pixel format */ #define NT35510_CMD_RDDIM 0x0D /* Read display image mode */ #define NT35510_CMD_RDDSM 0x0E /* Read display signal mode */ #define NT35510_CMD_RDDSDR 0x0F /* Read display self-diagnostics result */ #define NT35510_CMD_SLPIN 0x10 /* Sleep in */ #define NT35510_CMD_SLPOUT 0x11 /* Sleep out */ #define NT35510_CMD_PTLON 0x12 /* Partial mode on */ #define NT35510_CMD_NORON 0x13 /* Normal display mode on */ #define NT35510_CMD_INVOFF 0x20 /* Display inversion off */ #define NT35510_CMD_INVON 0x21 /* Display inversion on */ #define NT35510_CMD_ALLPOFF 0x22 /* All pixel off */ #define NT35510_CMD_ALLPON 0x23 /* All pixel on */ #define NT35510_CMD_GAMSET 0x26 /* Gamma set */ #define NT35510_CMD_DISPOFF 0x28 /* Display off */ #define NT35510_CMD_DISPON 0x29 /* Display on */ #define NT35510_CMD_CASET 0x2A /* Column address set */ #define NT35510_CMD_RASET 0x2B /* Row address set */ #define NT35510_CMD_RAMWR 0x2C /* Memory write */ #define NT35510_CMD_RAMRD 0x2E /* Memory read */ #define NT35510_CMD_PLTAR 0x30 /* Partial area */ #define NT35510_CMD_TOPC 0x32 /* Turn On Peripheral Command */ #define NT35510_CMD_TEOFF 0x34 /* Tearing effect line off */ #define NT35510_CMD_TEEON 0x35 /* Tearing effect line on */ #define NT35510_CMD_MADCTL 0x36 /* Memory data access control */ #define NT35510_CMD_IDMOFF 0x38 /* Idle mode off */ #define NT35510_CMD_IDMON 0x39 /* Idle mode on */ #define NT35510_CMD_COLMOD 0x3A /* Interface pixel format */ #define NT35510_CMD_RAMWRC 0x3C /* Memory write continue */ #define NT35510_CMD_RAMRDC 0x3E /* Memory read continue */ #define NT35510_CMD_STESL 0x44 /* Set tearing effect scan line */ #define NT35510_CMD_GSL 0x45 /* Get scan line */ #define NT35510_CMD_DSTBON 0x4F /* Deep standby mode on */ #define NT35510_CMD_WRPFD 0x50 /* Write profile value for display */ #define NT35510_CMD_WRDISBV 0x51 /* Write display brightness */ #define NT35510_CMD_RDDISBV 0x52 /* Read display brightness */ #define NT35510_CMD_WRCTRLD 0x53 /* Write CTRL display */ #define NT35510_CMD_RDCTRLD 0x54 /* Read CTRL display value */ #define NT35510_CMD_WRCABC 0x55 /* Write content adaptative brightness control */ #define NT35510_CMD_RDCABC 0x56 /* Read content adaptive brightness control */ #define NT35510_CMD_WRHYSTE 0x57 /* Write hysteresis */ #define NT35510_CMD_WRGAMMSET 0x58 /* Write gamme setting */ #define NT35510_CMD_RDFSVM 0x5A /* Read FS value MSBs */ #define NT35510_CMD_RDFSVL 0x5B /* Read FS value LSBs */ #define NT35510_CMD_RDMFFSVM 0x5C /* Read median filter FS value MSBs */ #define NT35510_CMD_RDMFFSVL 0x5D /* Read median filter FS value LSBs */ #define NT35510_CMD_WRCABCMB 0x5E /* Write CABC minimum brightness */ #define NT35510_CMD_RDCABCMB 0x5F /* Read CABC minimum brightness */ #define NT35510_CMD_WRLSCC 0x65 /* Write light sensor compensation coefficient value */ #define NT35510_CMD_RDLSCCM 0x66 /* Read light sensor compensation coefficient value MSBs */ #define NT35510_CMD_RDLSCCL 0x67 /* Read light sensor compensation coefficient value LSBs */ #define NT35510_CMD_RDBWLB 0x70 /* Read black/white low bits */ #define NT35510_CMD_RDBKX 0x71 /* Read Bkx */ #define NT35510_CMD_RDBKY 0x72 /* Read Bky */ #define NT35510_CMD_RDWX 0x73 /* Read Wx */ #define NT35510_CMD_RDWY 0x74 /* Read Wy */ #define NT35510_CMD_RDRGLB 0x75 /* Read red/green low bits */ #define NT35510_CMD_RDRX 0x76 /* Read Rx */ #define NT35510_CMD_RDRY 0x77 /* Read Ry */ #define NT35510_CMD_RDGX 0x78 /* Read Gx */ #define NT35510_CMD_RDGY 0x79 /* Read Gy */ #define NT35510_CMD_RDBALB 0x7A /* Read blue/acolor low bits */ #define NT35510_CMD_RDBX 0x7B /* Read Bx */ #define NT35510_CMD_RDBY 0x7C /* Read By */ #define NT35510_CMD_RDAX 0x7D /* Read Ax */ #define NT35510_CMD_RDAY 0x7E /* Read Ay */ #define NT35510_CMD_RDDDBS 0xA1 /* Read DDB start */ #define NT35510_CMD_RDDDBC 0xA8 /* Read DDB continue */ #define NT35510_CMD_RDDCS 0xAA /* Read first checksum */ #define NT35510_CMD_RDCCS 0xAF /* Read continue checksum */ #define NT35510_CMD_RDID1 0xDA /* Read ID1 value */ #define NT35510_CMD_RDID2 0xDB /* Read ID2 value */ #define NT35510_CMD_RDID3 0xDC /* Read ID3 value */ /* Parameter TELOM : Tearing Effect Line Output Mode : possible values */ #define NT35510_TEEON_TELOM_VBLANKING_INFO_ONLY 0x00 #define NT35510_TEEON_TELOM_VBLANKING_AND_HBLANKING_INFO 0x01 /* Possible used values of MADCTR */ #define NT35510_MADCTR_MODE_PORTRAIT 0x00 #define NT35510_MADCTR_MODE_LANDSCAPE 0x60 /* MY = 0, MX = 1, MV = 1, ML = 0, RGB = 0 */ /* Possible values of COLMOD parameter corresponding to used pixel formats */ #define NT35510_COLMOD_RGB565 0x55 #define NT35510_COLMOD_RGB888 0x77 /** * @brief NT35510_480X800 frequency divider */ #define NT35510_480X800_FREQUENCY_DIVIDER 2 /* LCD Frequency divider */ /** * @} */ /* Exported macro ------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** @defgroup NT35510_Exported_Macros NT35510 Exported Macros * @{ */ /** * @} */ /* Exported functions --------------------------------------------------------*/ /** @addtogroup NT35510_Exported_Functions * @{ */ void DSI_IO_WriteCmd(uint32_t NbrParams, uint8_t *pParams); uint8_t NT35510_Init(uint32_t ColorCoding, uint32_t orientation); uint8_t NT35510_DeInit(void); void NT35510_IO_Delay(uint32_t Delay); /** * @} */ #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* __NT35510_H */ /** * @} */ /** * @} */ /** * @} */ /************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/