Template for LVGL web simulator project with EEZ Studio
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* @file lv_drv_conf.h
* COPY THIS FILE AS lv_drv_conf.h
#if 1 /*Set it to "1" to enable the content*/
#ifndef LV_DRV_CONF_H
#define LV_DRV_CONF_H
#include "lv_conf.h"
#define LV_DRV_DELAY_INCLUDE <stdint.h> /*Dummy include by default*/
#define LV_DRV_DELAY_US(us) /*delay_us(us)*/ /*Delay the given number of microseconds*/
#define LV_DRV_DELAY_MS(ms) /*delay_ms(ms)*/ /*Delay the given number of milliseconds*/
* Common
#define LV_DRV_DISP_INCLUDE <stdint.h> /*Dummy include by default*/
#define LV_DRV_DISP_CMD_DATA(val) /*pin_x_set(val)*/ /*Set the command/data pin to 'val'*/
#define LV_DRV_DISP_RST(val) /*pin_x_set(val)*/ /*Set the reset pin to 'val'*/
#define LV_DRV_DISP_SPI_CS(val) /*spi_cs_set(val)*/ /*Set the SPI's Chip select to 'val'*/
#define LV_DRV_DISP_SPI_WR_BYTE(data) /*spi_wr(data)*/ /*Write a byte the SPI bus*/
#define LV_DRV_DISP_SPI_WR_ARRAY(adr, n) /*spi_wr_mem(adr, n)*/ /*Write 'n' bytes to SPI bus from 'adr'*/
* Parallel port
#define LV_DRV_DISP_PAR_CS(val) /*par_cs_set(val)*/ /*Set the Parallel port's Chip select to 'val'*/
#define LV_DRV_DISP_PAR_SLOW /*par_slow()*/ /*Set low speed on the parallel port*/
#define LV_DRV_DISP_PAR_FAST /*par_fast()*/ /*Set high speed on the parallel port*/
#define LV_DRV_DISP_PAR_WR_WORD(data) /*par_wr(data)*/ /*Write a word to the parallel port*/
#define LV_DRV_DISP_PAR_WR_ARRAY(adr, n) /*par_wr_mem(adr,n)*/ /*Write 'n' bytes to Parallel ports from 'adr'*/
* Common
#define LV_DRV_INDEV_INCLUDE <stdint.h> /*Dummy include by default*/
#define LV_DRV_INDEV_RST(val) /*pin_x_set(val)*/ /*Set the reset pin to 'val'*/
#define LV_DRV_INDEV_IRQ_READ 0 /*pn_x_read()*/ /*Read the IRQ pin*/
#define LV_DRV_INDEV_SPI_CS(val) /*spi_cs_set(val)*/ /*Set the SPI's Chip select to 'val'*/
#define LV_DRV_INDEV_SPI_XCHG_BYTE(data) 0 /*spi_xchg(val)*/ /*Write 'val' to SPI and give the read value*/
* I2C
#define LV_DRV_INDEV_I2C_START /*i2c_start()*/ /*Make an I2C start*/
#define LV_DRV_INDEV_I2C_STOP /*i2c_stop()*/ /*Make an I2C stop*/
#define LV_DRV_INDEV_I2C_RESTART /*i2c_restart()*/ /*Make an I2C restart*/
#define LV_DRV_INDEV_I2C_WR(data) /*i2c_wr(data)*/ /*Write a byte to the I1C bus*/
#define LV_DRV_INDEV_I2C_READ(last_read) 0 /*i2c_rd()*/ /*Read a byte from the I2C bud*/
extern int monitor_hor_res, monitor_ver_res;
* Monitor of PC
#define USE_SDL 1
#define SDL_HOR_RES monitor_hor_res
#define SDL_VER_RES monitor_ver_res
#define SDL_ZOOM 1 /* Scale window by this factor (useful when simulating small screens) */
#define SDL_INCLUDE_PATH <SDL2/SDL.h> /*Eclipse: <SDL2/SDL.h> Visual Studio: <SDL.h>*/
#define SDL_VIRTUAL_MACHINE 1 /*Different rendering should be used if running in a Virtual machine*/
* SSD1963
#define USE_SSD1963 0
#if USE_SSD1963
#define SSD1963_HOR_RES LV_HOR_RES
#define SSD1963_VER_RES LV_VER_RES
#define SSD1963_HT 531
#define SSD1963_HPS 43
#define SSD1963_LPS 8
#define SSD1963_HPW 10
#define SSD1963_VT 288
#define SSD1963_VPS 12
#define SSD1963_FPS 4
#define SSD1963_VPW 10
#define SSD1963_HS_NEG 0 /*Negative hsync*/
#define SSD1963_VS_NEG 0 /*Negative vsync*/
#define SSD1963_ORI 0 /*0, 90, 180, 270*/
#define SSD1963_COLOR_DEPTH 16
* R61581
#define USE_R61581 0
#if USE_R61581 != 0
#define R61581_HOR_RES LV_HOR_RES
#define R61581_VER_RES LV_VER_RES
#define R61581_HSPL 0 /*HSYNC signal polarity*/
#define R61581_HSL 10 /*HSYNC length (Not Implemented)*/
#define R61581_HFP 10 /*Horitontal Front poarch (Not Implemented)*/
#define R61581_HBP 10 /*Horitontal Back poarch (Not Implemented */
#define R61581_VSPL 0 /*VSYNC signal polarity*/
#define R61581_VSL 10 /*VSYNC length (Not Implemented)*/
#define R61581_VFP 8 /*Vertical Front poarch*/
#define R61581_VBP 8 /*Vertical Back poarch */
#define R61581_DPL 0 /*DCLK signal polarity*/
#define R61581_EPL 1 /*ENABLE signal polarity*/
#define R61581_ORI 0 /*0, 180*/
#define R61581_LV_COLOR_DEPTH 16 /*Fix 16 bit*/
* ST7565 (Monochrome, low res.)
#define USE_ST7565 0
#if USE_ST7565 != 0
/*No settings*/
#endif /*USE_ST7565*/
* Linux frame buffer device (/dev/fbx)
#define USE_FBDEV 0
#if USE_FBDEV != 0
#define FBDEV_PATH "/dev/fb0"
* XPT2046
#define USE_XPT2046 0
#if USE_XPT2046 != 0
#define XPT2046_HOR_RES 480
#define XPT2046_VER_RES 320
#define XPT2046_X_MIN 200
#define XPT2046_Y_MIN 200
#define XPT2046_X_MAX 3800
#define XPT2046_Y_MAX 3800
#define XPT2046_AVG 4
#define XPT2046_INV 0
* FT5406EE8
#define USE_FT5406EE8 0
#if USE_FT5406EE8
#define FT5406EE8_I2C_ADR 0x38 /*7 bit address*/
#define USE_AD_TOUCH 0
#if USE_AD_TOUCH != 0
/*No settings*/
* Mouse or touchpad on PC (using SDL)
/*No settings*/
* Mousewheel as encoder on PC (using SDL)
/*No settings*/
* Mouse or touchpad as evdev interface (for Linux based systems)
#define USE_EVDEV 0
#define EVDEV_NAME "/dev/input/event0" /*You can use the "evtest" Linux tool to get the list of devices and test them*/
#define SCALE_EVDEV 0 /* Scale input, e.g. if touchscreen resolution does not match display resolution */
#define SCALE_EVDEV_HOR_RES (4096) /* Horizontal resolution of touchscreen */
#define SCALE_EVDEV_VER_RES (4096) /* Vertical resolution of touchscreen */
* Keyboard of a PC (using SDL)
/*No settings*/
#endif /*LV_DRV_CONF_H*/
#endif /*End of "Content enable"*/